Audiobooks online: genre "Published 1900 onward"

Listen to free audiobooks of the genre "Published 1900 onward" online and without registration whole (in full) on the website of the electronic library "". All complete and interesting audiobooks of the genre "Published 1900 onward" on your phone, Iphone and android.
Аудіокнига Old Rose And Silver

Myrtle Reed - Old Rose And Silver

The novel follows the lives of Rose and her widowed Aunt, Madame Francesca Bernard, along with young visitor and cousin Isabel, whose lives are changed by the return of an old friend and neighbour Colonel Kent, and his grown son, Allison. Other characters that help shape their li...
Аудіокнига The Making of a Bigot

Rose Macaulay - The Making of a Bigot

“How various is man! How multiplied his experience, his outlook, his conclusions!”—H. Belloc.“And every single one of them is right.”—R. Kipling.Written while Macaulay worked in the Propaganda Department of the War Office, and reflecting her own mysticism and skepticism of organ...
Аудіокнига The Spider

Fergus Hume - The Spider

Arthur Vernon, member of the Athenian club and member of “society,” has a secret. His father has died and left him destitute, so he has begun a private investigation agency under the name “Nemo.” It would be disastrous if this were known among his associates at the club, and espe...
Аудіокнига The Flirt

Booth Tarkington - The Flirt

Laura and Cora Madison and their younger brother Hedrick live with their parents in a Midwestern American town that is fairly bursting with Cora’s discarded and would-be beaus. Her flirtatiousness annoys the tempestuous Hedrick but not the reserved Laura. The return to town of a ...
Аудіокнига My Friend Annabel Lee

Mary MacLane - My Friend Annabel Lee

Published in 1903, this selection of dialogues by Mary MacLane entails a mystery of wondering who she is speaking with. Is it the statue she describes at first? Is it an imaginary friend? Is it the author’s alter-ego? Or perhaps, is it a friend she knows in-the-flesh whom the aut...
Аудіокнига Shorty McCabe

Sewell FORD - Shorty McCabe

Yes, it's been a couple of years since I quit the ring. . . . I slid into a quiet corner for a month or so, and then I dropped into the only thing I knew how to do, trainin' comers to go against the champs. It ain't like pullin' down your sixty per cent of the gate receipts, but ...