Audiobooks online: genre "Detective Fiction"

Listen to free audiobooks of the genre "Detective Fiction" online and without registration whole (in full) on the website of the electronic library "". All complete and interesting audiobooks of the genre "Detective Fiction" on your phone, Iphone and android.
Аудіокнига The Mikado Jewel

Fergus Hume - The Mikado Jewel

A widow has been murdered in the home of a relative on a foggy night in London town when all residents were off on to the theatre, and one to run an errand involving the title bauble. Who done it? Old dark house mystery full of period cliches is pulp fun for the new year. - Sum...
Аудіокнига The Sheridan Road Mystery

Paul THORNE - The Sheridan Road Mystery

A shot rings out in the middle of the night in a quiet Chicago neighborhood. Patrolman Murphy is directed to an apartment where a man says the shot came from. The apartment is locked and apparently empty. Was there a murder here? And if so, where is the victim? (summary by J....
Аудіокнига The Mystery of the Hidden Room

Marion Harvey - The Mystery of the Hidden Room

A classic mystery/detective story in the Sherlock Holmes tradition, the hidden room suggested by the title of this book does not remain a mystery for very long as the book progresses. Written in the first person, the husband of his (Carlton Davies) former lover is found dead one ...