L. Frank Baum - The Scarecrow of Oz

You can listen here for free The Scarecrow of Oz. Genre: Children's Fiction, Dramatic Readings, Fantastic Fiction, . You can also listen to the full version (full text) online without registration and SMS on the site Audiobook-mp3.com or read the summary, preface (abstract), description and read reviews (comments) about the work.
Audiobook The Scarecrow of Oz
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L. Frank Baum - The Scarecrow of Oz book summary

The Scarecrow of Oz - description and summary of the book. , listen for free online at the digital library site Audiobook-mp3.com

The Scarecrow of Oz is the ninth book set in the Land of Oz written by L. Frank Baum. Published on July 16, 1915, it was Baum's personal favorite of the Oz books and tells of Cap'n Bill and Trot journeying to Oz and, with the help of the Scarecrow, overthrowing the cruel King Krewl of Jinxland. (Summary from Wikipedia)

Narrated by Cori Samuel, Ed Good, Gesine, Kara Shallenberg, Kira Belkin, Kelly Harmon, K.O. Munley, Lucy Burgoyne, Timothy H. VanderWall, Patrick Beverley, Riccardo, and Scott Sherris.

Characters performed by Abigail & Adam Flach, Robert Flach, Allyson Hester, Jamie Wilking, Kirsten Ferreri, Chip Joel, Ezwa, Claire Goget, Henry Frigon, Hugh McGuire, Stephanie König, Mark F. Smith, Kevin McAsh, Ken Crooker, Laura Brodrick, Ada Kerman, Michael Yard, Lizzie Driver, Saul, Jason Isbell, Susie G., and Talia Fishman.

The Scarecrow of Oz listen online for free

The Scarecrow of Oz - listen to the audiobook online for free, author L. Frank Baum, performer

L. Frank Baum listen to all of the author's books in order

L. Frank Baum - all of the author's books in one place to listen to in order full versions on the Audiobook-mp3 online audio library site.

L. Frank Baum - The Scarecrow of Oz reviews

Reviews of listeners about the book The Scarecrow of Oz, Read the comments and opinions of people about the product.
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