TOP-100 audiobooks online, page 6

Listen to Top-100 audiobooks of different genres online without charge and registration whole(in full) on e-library site Top-100 complete and interesting audiobooks, books of the popular genres on your mobile: Iphone and android.
Аудіокнига The Art of Worldly Wisdom

Baltasar Gracián - The Art of Worldly Wisdom

300 short maxims by Spanish Jesuit Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658). The advice is still useful and insightful for our modern world. Gracian was considered one of the most interesting philosophers by both Nietzsche und Schopenhauer, and the latter translated The Art of Worldly Wisdom...
Аудіокнига Jennie Gerhardt

Theodore DREISER - Jennie Gerhardt

This is a story of an innocent, caring, beautiful young girl from and extremely poor family who throughout her life is drawn into affairs with two different men from a much higher social class. How members of her family, the family of one of the wealthy men, and society in genera...
Аудіокнига The Monkey's Paw

W. W. JACOBS - The Monkey's Paw

The Monkey’s Paw was written in 1902 by W.W. Jacobs. It’s a dark brooding tale which promises from the start that the light you see at the end of the tunnel is actually an oncoming train. Mr and Mrs White of Laburnum Villas step out toward that light by taking up the three wi...
Аудіокнига Siddhartha

Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha

Siddhartha is one of the great philosophical novels. Profoundly insightful, it is also a beautifully written story that begins as Siddhartha, son of an Indian Brahman, leaves his family and begins a lifelong journey towards Enlightenment. On the way he faces the entire range o...
Аудіокнига Death in Venice

Thomas MANN - Death in Venice

Thomas Mann, author of Death in Venice (German: Der Tod in Venedig) was a winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. The main character in this novella is Gustav von Aschenbach, a famous author in his early 50s who was widowed at an early age. In poor health, he visits Venice and ...