James Allen - Light on Life’s Difficulties

You can listen here for free Light on Life’s Difficulties. Genre: *Non-fiction, Self-Help, . You can also listen to the full version (full text) online without registration and SMS on the site Audiobook-mp3.com or read the summary, preface (abstract), description and read reviews (comments) about the work.
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James Allen - Light on Life’s Difficulties book summary

Light on Life’s Difficulties - description and summary of the book. , listen for free online at the digital library site Audiobook-mp3.com
When a man enters a dark room he is not sure of his movements, he cannot see objects around him, or properly locate them, and is liable to hurt himself by coming into sudden contact with them. But let a light be introduced, and immediately all confusion disappears. Every object is seen, and there is no danger of being hurt. To the majority, life is such a dark room, and their frequent hurts—their disappointments, perplexities, sorrows and pains—are caused by sudden contact with principles which they do not see, and are therefore not prepared to deal with. But when the light of wisdom is introduced into the darkened understanding, confusion vanishes, difficulties are dissolved, all things are seen in their true place and proportion, and henceforth the man walks open-eyed and unhurt, in the clear light of wise comprehension. - Summary by James Allen

Light on Life’s Difficulties listen online for free

Light on Life’s Difficulties - listen to the audiobook online for free, author James Allen, performer

James Allen listen to all of the author's books in order

James Allen - all of the author's books in one place to listen to in order full versions on the Audiobook-mp3 online audio library site.

James Allen - Light on Life’s Difficulties reviews

Reviews of listeners about the book Light on Life’s Difficulties, Read the comments and opinions of people about the product.
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